The Benefits of Adding Videos to Your Small Business Website

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One way online experts (including us) recommend to increase traffic to your website is to add a video element to your site.  Here are some benefits of adding videos to your small business website.

The Benefits of Adding Videos to Your Small Business Website

Effectiveness of video elements

There are many compelling reasons to add video to your website - here are just a few:

  • Delivers your message quickly - watching a video is way faster than reading. Get your message across faster, in a more easily digestible format.
  • Drive traffic to your site - search engines (like Google) love video. Every time you add video elements to your website, you become more noticeable.
  • Video is shareable - you should share your content anytime you create it, but video content is extremely shareable. Make sure to publish your videos on all applicable social channels, like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, etc.
  • Video is memorable - if you need to stand out from your competitors, video is a great medium. Nothing beats a well-designed video when it comes to showcasing your brand.

You don't need to be Martin Scorcese

Videos do not need a Hollywood budget with a long running time and costly CGI effects to be successful. The three biggest projectors of success are completed views, conversion, and brand lift. All you need to start is a short video that offers a summary of your product or service in easy to understand terms which targets your specific customers.

Key questions for creating a video

As you consider making a video for your website, consider the following:

  • What does your company do exceptionally well?
  • Why is the service or product you offer unique among your competitors?
  • What are the key benefits, simply defined, that your customers get by choosing you?

Examples of video elements

We've done a fair few campaigns with video elements for our clients. Here are a few examples of video, used in different ways.

Video background to add engagement to a home page: Lawn Troopers

Video library as a helpful resource, to establish subject matter expertise: E&E Accounting

Video testimonials: Antham Construction

If you are looking to add innovative video content to your website, contact Hyperweb Communications.