Warren Buffet once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.". That got us thinking about the idea of trust and being trustworthy.
Since we’re data-driven, we wondered, can you measure trust?
Short answer: yes. Here are the most interesting bits we could find:
- Which half are you?
50% of users fall for clickbait articles, despite totally knowing they’re clickbait. Obviously we're not talking about our articles. OBVIOUSLY. *cough*
- Stand by your brand
63% of customers say they would buy from an “authentic” brand. Now, to figure out what, exactly, that means.
- Trust in Me
How much people trust in the people around them depends on where they live! Canada is at 41%. Norway (73%) always kicks our butt on these surveys. At least we beat the USA (39%). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Do the right thing
Just 36% of shoppers trust large companies “to do what’s right”. However, about half of them trust that a small company will. No snarky comments about this one, either. More trust in small business is A-OK by us.
- OMG, get over it already
Lack of trust in a relationship is one of the four top reasons for a relationship breakdown. The other three are: financial stress, communication difficulties and different values. “That tracks,” mutters the writer of this article, still not over getting dumped a few months ago and still bitching about it in random blog articles.
- Looking at you, CARL and TERRY *
A survey revealed that 58% of people say they trust strangers more than they trust their own boss.
*JK, Carl and Terry are good people. 😊
- Trust us
Wait, do we believe these statistics on trust? After all, studies show that 72% of all statistics** are made up.
**No, not really. We made that up. It’s more like 67%***.
Not actually a statistic, just a video compilation of trust fall fails. ‘Cause they’re funny. Enjoy.
Don’t forget to share this article with someone you trust. Or, someone you sort of trust. Or anybody, really. We’re not picky.
*** Ha! We got you again! Wow, you’re not good at this game.
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Terry’s cauldron of knowledge in the digital world is the result of a background in advertising, graphic design, web and multimedia development… 25 years in this business.