There is no magical answer to how to make a blog post go viral. However, if you follow SEO best practices and put extra effort into optimizing your article, you'll be well on your way.
If you arrived here from our other article Someone tried to Link-Jack us. Should I take it as a compliment? Then pay close attention to points 1,4,5 and 7 below.
We believe the Secret Sauce of our Love and Relationships article's success. Of course - they all help - but those points are what we believe made that article more viral.
1. Start with a focused and SEO-friendly title. Your title should convey the main idea of your blog post, as well as include keywords that people are likely to search for when looking for information on that topic.
2. Include high-quality images or videos in your post to help break up the text and keep readers engaged. Optimize these images by including descriptive alt text and filenames, and use high-resolution photos whenever possible.
3. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, bolded text, etc. to organize your content and make it easy for readers to scan through and find information quickly. This will also help improve your SEO ranking by signalling to search engines what your post is about.
4. Include relevant and authoritative external links within your blog post to support your claims and provide further reading on the topic. Just be sure not to overdo it - too many outbound links can negatively impact SEO, so aim for quality over quantity.
5. Utilize SEO-friendly keywords throughout your content to help improve search engine optimization and make it easier for readers to find your blog post when searching online. This includes incorporating keywords into your title, headings, subheadings, body copy, and meta description.
6. Write SEO-optimized meta descriptions that accurately describe the content of your blog post and encourage readers to click through to your article from search engine results pages. Remember to keep these descriptions brief, as Google only displays up to 156 characters before cutting off the description.
7. Pay attention to SEO best practices when formatting your blog posts, such as using short paragraphs, avoiding large blocks of text, and breaking up your content with relevant images or videos. This will make it easier for readers to scan through and digest your content quickly.
8. Consider publishing your blog post on a consistent schedule (for example, weekly or monthly) to build momentum and establish yourself as an expert on the topic over time. This can help drive traffic to your blog and increase your chances of going viral by building interest in your content over time.
9. Engage with readers who comment on or share your blog post on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This will help to build relationships with potential readers and grow your audience over time.
10. Be patient! Even if you follow all the SEO best practices and do everything you can to make your blog post go viral, there's no guarantee that it will take off immediately. Stay consistent with your publishing schedule, engage with readers, and keep producing high-quality content - eventually, you'll start seeing results!
Terry’s cauldron of knowledge in the digital world is the result of a background in advertising, graphic design, web and multimedia development… 25 years in this business.