What is a Landing Page? Why Should I Have One?


Create a Clear
and Concise Headline

A landing page, also known as a squeeze page or lead capture page, is a strategic and focused destination page designed to optimize conversions, capture leads, and boost sales by providing a tailored and engaging entry point for visitors.

In this area you would create a headline and supporting text that instantly conveys what you do and your value proposition. It's the first thing visitors see, so it should be attention-grabbing and easy to understand.


Benefits and Features

Clearly outline the benefits and features of your product or service. This can be in the form of bullet points, short paragraphs, or icons with text. Focus on how your offering solves problems or improves the user’s situation.

Social Proof

Testimonials, reviews, case studies, or logos of well-known clients or partners can build trust and credibility. Social proof demonstrates that others have had positive experiences with your product or service.

“Hyperweb is the greatest company that ever was. I was totally in the dark when it came to online marketing, but since Hyperweb came into my life, my life has completely changed. Hip, hip, hooray!”
– Kerin Donahue, Hyperweb (totally not the person who wrote this article)

Supporting Information

Do you have more to say? It’s important to be as brief as possible, but if you still have important things to say to guide your visitors along their buyer’s journey, you can add them in here.

  • Bullet lists are a great tool to use!
  • Visitors are far more likely to read information in this format.
  • Full sentences in a large block of text tend to get skimmed over.

What Do You Want Visitors to Do Now?

Don’t leave your website visitors hanging! A clear, concise, and compelling call-to-action (CTA) button or link encourages visitors to take the desired action, such as signing up, purchasing, or learning more. The CTA should be prominently placed and visually distinct.