Our people are the best technology we have. Smart, funny, creative thinkers that make our

websites not just look good,  but work efficiently and securely for all our customers.  

“When I do something, I’m all in”.
Carl could be considered the nucleus from which everything happens. He has 25 years of knowledge stuck inside his head just waiting to come out. He loves to learn about the people he meets and what their business goals are before he starts their project. He feels this is an important start to any project and is the key to his clients’ success. No biography about Carl would be complete without mention of his sense of humour. It’s dry as toast. He tries to instill a bit of fun to his life, every day. Carl  has completed 2 ironman triathlons and enjoys camping and watching his children’s sports from the sidelines. He has a treadmill desk in his office. He’s happy to give you a demo next time you drop by.
Favourite chocolate bar: Quest Protein Bar: Peanut Butter Supreme
“The learning never stops”.
Terry’s cauldron of knowledge in the digital world is the result of a background in advertising, graphic design, web and multimedia development... 25 years in this business. As a cog in the wheel of Hyperweb Terry’s talents are constantly put to the test as he is figures out how to get things done then manages that process. It all happens behind the scenes and the result is you’ll get more than what was expected. Terry keeps that cog turning by staying fit. In what ever spare time he can muster he’ll be running, road biking and sometimes manages his outdoor landscaping business (ok that means he does all the work around his house - part of the ‘honey-do-list’). He’s also quite the cook, constantly creating a variety of healthy meals and trying his hand at west indian dishes, all to enjoy with his wife and daughter. His bucket list includes hiking to the top of Machu Picchu. And with his drive and determination it is bound to happen.
Favourite chocolate bar: Snickers
KERIN DONAHUE | Account Manager
“Don’t do anything that doesn’t fit into your business plan”
You may notice that Kerin spells her name a little differently than most. It happened in Grade 4 when there were a bunch of other Karens in her class. She changed it to stand out and has been standing out ever since. Kerin can be described as a person who gets things done. With a background in traditional advertising and big agencies, she has honed her skills to both account manage and project manage a multitude of projects all at once. She is also the dedicated person for all things relating to social media. She describes the culture at Hyperweb as a small group of people that really get each other. Kerin is currently exploring her new hometown of Hamilton, along with her giant, silly St. Berdoodle, Indiana Bones. Kerin doesn't have a chocolate bar preference at this time, as she is, as she would tell you with gritted teeth, experiencing a "lifestyle change" and chocolate bars are currently not on the menu. Thanks, COVID.
"The best marketing strategies often start with understanding the customer."
Based in Halton, Ontario, Basil is a dynamic Digital Agency Client Lead at hyperweb.ca. With over 10+ years of experience in digital marketing, sales development, and project management, Basil is delighted to speak to you about growing your business. Basil is dedicated to fostering strong stakeholder collaboration to create impactful solutions for his clients; he is skilled in value-based messaging, strategic marketing, and lead generation. Outside of work, Basil loves exploring Ontario’s conservation parks with family, getting lost on his gravel bike, consuming marketing podcasts & documentaries, and awkwardly writing biographies about himself in the third person. Favourite chocolate bar: British wafers.