3 Strategies That Make For Better B2B Websites

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You're ready to design your new B2B website, but are unsure about best standards & practices. Here, then, is our quick and easy reference list of

Hyperweb Communications

3 strategies that make for better B2B websites:

  1. Engage your existing clients. Your current clients can best tell you what works, and what doesn't, when it comes to your website. For example, what is it about the current website that doesn't properly serve your buying needs? How would you propose our new website address this matter?
  2. Engage your sales & marketing teams. Your endgame, when it comes to redesigning your B2B website, is to lead to more sales and more conversions of leads to sales. Who better than your sales and marketing teams to best give you insight on how to do this?
  3. Engage in a "buyer persona" way. What is a buyer persona? It's a representation of what a potential buyer of yours would be -- an archetype of sorts, if you prefer the term. Who are your buyers? What do they hope to accomplish by buying your goods and/or services? What motivates your buyers to buy your goods and/or services? These are just a few of the many questions you need to ask yourself when adopting a buyer persona -- which will help you determine what's the best way to design, and market, your B2B website.
At Hyperweb we've been building websites since 1995 - which means that we have 20 years of valuable experience under our belts. If you're ready to get a professional to handle the design -- or redesign -- of your B2B website, contact us today!