Having the necessary data to determine what is or isn't happening with your site will grant the advantage you need to turn things around.
That's right. Because if you are experiencing a high bounce rate, then obviously something is wrong … at least according to your visitors because they are leaving just as fast as they come in. So analytics will help you pinpoint exactly what's making them leave and ultimately help increase conversion rates.
How sure are you about the keywords you're using to drive traffic to your site? Are they actually performing as intended? Meaning, is your site showing up on the first page? The second? Third? Depending on which keywords you optimized for, is your site getting equal attention across the search engines? If not, analytics will let you know so you can adjust your keywords accordingly.
If your visitors aren't staying as long on your site as they are on your competitor's, then clearly you need to make some adjustments. Perhaps it's to your layout or your content, or maybe even to your CTA. But without analytical reporting, it's difficult to know this level of detail. Without it, how do you compete in an industry saturated with online businesses that use these metrics on a daily basis to compete against you?
Realistically speaking, load times for many of the sites on the web is around 4-5 seconds. According to Google, part of a good user experience involves your website loading within 2 seconds. So, if your site is loading slower than the average load time, then there's a chance visitors will click away and go to the competition. Which in turn, could mean potential profit loss for your business. Although, a good analytics report will identify these issues for you so that you can appropriately optimize your site to load faster.
If you haven't set any goals for your site, how do you know how well it's performing? In other words, how do you track your sales goals, site totals, and visitor traffic to individual pages on your site if you have nothing to measure them against? Tracking this kind of data helps you understand where you need to make improvements. Thus, it is imperative to set goals so you can achieve the outcome you desire.
If you are not using some form of analytics to engage the competition, you are doing yourself and your business a huge disservice.
Terry’s cauldron of knowledge in the digital world is the result of a background in advertising, graphic design, web and multimedia development… 25 years in this business.